Monday, January 11, 2010

Shqiperia in the News

Not many "headliners" come out Albania, but every once in a while, this little country makes the international news...and this last week was one of those weeks! Check out these two articles...

...and on the lighter side of things...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Workin' Men

Last week Steve and I braved the market on New Year's Eve to try to capture the wonderful madness of the holiday. I've already posted some of my favorite pics (Pazar te Mbare) but I wanted to give you a closer look at this picture, because these two men just cracked us up!

Not shy of the camera, these two life-loving Albanians were eager to have their picture taken. As soon as he saw my "aparati," the man on the right shouted to his friend, "Give me your cigarette! Wait, wait...hand me my Raki!" The man on the left grabbed his beer and jumped in the picture too.

And do you see that he's also flashing his wad of cash?

You may be thinking that these guys must have started their New Year's celebrating early! Nah, they were just hard at work!

I Heard the Bells

Albania 2009

We put together this slide show of friends, landscape, and ministry in Albania to share with our church in Vacaville. Hope you enjoy this glimpse into our Albanian life!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sock it to Me!

I have a confession.

I love socks!

People know that I love socks. Friends and family buy me lots of socks.

They’re cheap.
They’re fun. They’re great!

(in the tone of Bubba from Forrest Gump)...

I have striped socks, animal socks, Jelly Belly socks...

split toe socks, "toe-lder holder socks,"

matchy socks, fuzzy socks, slipper socks,

handmade socks...

and socks that were hand dyed with dynamite powder!

I just love socks!!

But I never would have considered myself as having a fetish or even that I'm a collector....until I decided to count them!

Drum roll please.....

I have 75 pairs!! Probably more if went through the laundry! That’s enough to get me all the way to March without ever washing a single pair!

The other day I was at work, the Street Children's Center, and began taking notice of the children's feet. Their socks were all torn, dirty, and falling apart....many didn't even have socks AT ALL ! While visiting one child at her home, I saw that her little brother was wearing hand mittens on his feet!

Guilt and conviction started to nibble at my toes. I figured it was time to do something...time to purge and give my surplus to those cold and needy little feet at the center.

Always one to give material objects unnecessary and ridiculous sentimental value, I'm ashamed to admit that this wasn't easy for me. Sorting through my sock drawer, and all the wonderful memories that are embedded in them, I made a rule...I would only get rid of socks that I could not remember where they came from or that I had bought for myself.

Here's what I managed to "sacrifice"...15 pairs. Out of 75 pairs, all I could manage to let go of was 15 pairs of socks!! I hang my head, (or shall I say, my warm and beautifully adorned feet) in shame.

I love this verse from Isaiah (and Romans)...

Isa 52:7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns."

If only God was referring to the beautiful feet of those with fabulous socks...then this Christian walk would be a lot easier! Boy, I still have a long way to go...