Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Cold Eggs

In Albania, it is the norm for a married couple to begin having babies a year or two after their marriage.

Steve and I are almost six years into our marriage, and we are still childless, by choice.

I am used to everybody here wishing me to have a baby (especially a baby boy). I'm usually able to shake it off by giving a polite "thank you," but since we've returned from America, the guilt trips have been heightened. A recent "lecture" went something like this...

"Don't you know that children are a blessing? Don't you know that a boy will warm your life and your husbands? Can you have babies? Do you need some medicine? Oh bo bo, it's just so shameful! You need to go make a baby boy!!" (and on and on!!)

My favorite came from a 73 year old woman I met for the first time this last week.

Her spiel went something like this...

"You do not have any children yet? That is so shameful! Children are a blessing! You know, your eggs are getting cold! You need to have a baby boy. You need to name him Angelino. And don't worry, I will take care of him!!" (and on and on!!)

Well, I'm sure one day, God willing, children will warm our household, but until we're ready for that step in life, these little guys are doing the job!!


Anonymous said...

Haha. When I was in Albania last August visiting my brother, I got a lot of those questions. "Do you have a husband? A boyfriend? Why not? Don't you want to have children?" When I left, Kenji's landlord's wife hugged me and said something in Albanian, which Kenji translated as "I hope you find a really nice husband soon." It's a very family-oriented culture, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that this is Aiko. :-)

Amber said...

Yay, I finally can see your kitties. I'm imagining that the orange one is Disher and the calico is Sherona?

Heather said...

Well tell them that Steve likes his eggs cold. That might make them leave you alone for a little while. :)

Jenn said...

I have people ask me why I am not married too -- and this is in the US. I get tired of it. Just a few weeks ago I had a ten year ask me, "Why aren't you married? You're so pretty." Those comments are the worst.