Friday, June 4, 2010


(Although I'm posting this now, this was written Wednesday June 2nd.)

Earlier this morning, Steve and I received the sad news of an Albanian friend’s passing. She was a young girl (early 20’s) though she struggled with diabetes and eating disorders. She had worked in the Kennedy Foundation clinic for several years, and always had a quick joke on hand. Naturally’ her death came as a shock to everybody. Steve and I are grieving and badly missing being with our friends in Albania to share with them in their tears and mourning.

Arta’s death came just after a young girl died tragically in Erseke this last weekend. It already has been a difficult week for our Albanian friends, and this unexpected death certainly adds more pain and grieving to their lives.

Should you think to pray for regarding this, pray for our friends in Korce…and for us…as the reality of leaving Albania has struck our hearts far more quickly than we expected.


ajplays said...

Very sad news, indeed... I'll be thinking of you.

ajplays said...

Oh, I couldn't see the picture before! What a tragedy...